1. What is Classic Concerts NS?
Classic Concerts NS is a place where you can find out about classical music performances happening in Nova Scotia. It’s also a place for concert presenters to communicate with each other about concert plans, in an effort to help avoid conflicting concert dates. Learn more about us here.
2. Don’t individual organizations have their own websites for classical music?
Yes! And we provide links to those organizations so you can learn more about what they’re doing and find out ways to join their mailing lists, get involved and more. Classic Concerts NS was born from a desire to provide “one stop shopping” information for those interested in classical music, as well as a forum to exchange information, reviews, and more about the amazing musicians and classical music organizations we have in Nova Scotia.
3. Can I subscribe to Classic Concerts NS?
You can sign up to join our mailing list – it’s free and we will not share your information with any other parties. If you are a concert planner and you would like to subscribe, please visit the Subscribe section and follow the directions.
4. Can I purchase concert tickets through this website?
No – our website is a portal directing you to classical music presenters, many of whom have on-line sales mechanisms on their individual websites. We’d be happy to pass along your suggestions in this regard to our colleagues if you have any ideas on ticket purchase.
5. I don’t know where or when classical music concerts are happening, can you help?
Just go to our calendar and follow the links – when possible we’ll provide directions and a contact name in case you need more information about ticket purchase, seating, accessibility, etc.
6. I don’t attend classical music concerts now as I don’t know if I would like them.
Try it! Many organizations have a sampler series, student discounts, or a pay what you can admission. Many first time concertgoers express trepidation about what to wear, when to clap and other things, but the truth is that classical concert organizers are happy to welcome people just like you to their audiences – tell us about your experience and don’t be shy about saying what you liked and didn’t like!
7. How do I send you my review of a concert I attended?
Just go to Contact Us and send your feedback. We’ll review it and post your thoughts, subject to appropriate content.
8. Can I join mailing lists of other arts organizations through Classic Concerts NS?
You can find links to many concert organizers through this website and link to them so that you can sign up for their mailing lists, or contact them directly with your questions or comments.